How To Keep Horse Flies Away

It is one of the most annoying insects which can easily bite you and give you some serious diseases. Horse flies are also called as gadflies because they look like small horse. They are not harmful to humans, but they can bite and cause irritation to your skin. If you are a horse lover then you need to avoid horse flies as much as possible. Horse flies are very common in summer time, so if you are going for a vacation then it is better to carry a mosquito repellent spray. The best thing that we can do is to keep our pets safe from these flies. But what if you are in an area where there are no horses? How can we keep away horse flies?

Here I am sharing some effective tips for keeping horse flies away:

1. Use fly swatters If you are visiting a farm or an area where there are lots of horses, then you should be careful about the flies. You should use a fly swatter which is very effective in killing the flies. You can use fly swatters for many purposes like killing mosquitoes, flies and ants.

2. Use an electric fan An electric fan will help you to blow the flies away from your face and body. If you are using an electric fan then you need to turn it on and make sure that the wind blows towards you. It will not be harmful to your skin but it will help you to get rid of the flies.

3. Clean your hands Horse flies like to bite the people who have dirty hands. So, it is better to wash your hands with soap regularly. Washing your hands regularly will help you to keep the horse flies away from your body.


 I hope you liked this post about “How to Keep Horse Flies Away”. I have also shared with you some effective tips to keep away horse flies.